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38 Special Reliving The Past

Laura Fox - LLFoxphotos

Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center


You know that one song that helped you get through a rough patch in high school? Mine was 38 Specials’ “Hold on Loosely.” To say I was excited to see 38 Special again was a bit of an understatement – although it had been a hot minute since I’d seen them live, I was pretty confident they’d still put on an outstanding show in support of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Farewell Tour. And I was right. They hit the ground running by opening with a high-energy version of “Rockin’ Into the Night,” followed by “Back Where You Belong.” Led by frontman and guitarist Don Barnes, the five-piece band managed to play almost all their hits by crafting a slick medley of six songs in the middle of the set. They looked and sounded as strong as I remembered, Barnes’ vocals blending well with the other members’ harmonies. Unfortunately, I have no idea how they sounded on their final song, “Hold on Loosely" - I was belting it out at the top of my lungs. My deepest apologies to everyone around me.

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