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Blown Away By Clutch Old National Centre Indianapolis Indiana

Audiophileoholic- Andrew Perkins

The moment you walk in the doors to see Clutch there is an unique anticipation in the air. The feeling that something special is about to occur. And that's exactly as it happened this night at The Old National Centre's Egyptian Room. It's generally a pretty regular event to just stand at the front of the stage alone and wait for bands to start in relative silence. But not this night. Multiple people in the front row wanted to show the pit photographers their photos from previous Clutch concerts. One young lady went as far as instructing me on where to stand so I could get better angles of lead singer Neil Fallon. Set lists were discussed and in general the cordial audience was getting revved up for a great show.

Clutch doesn't disappoint when it comes to a sonic stage performance with Neil Fallon ruling the stage with hip thrusts, incredible crowd engagement, frenzied movements and general control of the crowd. It's like an evangelical preacher holding his congregation in awe as inspired words of wisdom spew forth. The Book of Bad Decisions Tour wont disappoint the most avid fan to the newbie on the scene. And the fans before the show were like Nostradamus with their sage advice! Check out one of my favorite tunes by Clutch- Profits of Doom.

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