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States and Capitals – Review of the set at The Irving in Indianapolis Indiana June 14, 2019

Michele Blue

The lead singer/songwriter Richie came out onto the stage and the group of girls standing next to me started to giggle and look up at him. You could tell by the crowd he has a wonderful fan following. I had never been to The Irving Theater before, so I was not expecting the crowd to be close enough to touch the band if they wanted to. It was a very unique venue, but perfect for the fans that had gathered there to see States and Capitals. The first song played was the title track from their soon to be released LP The Feelings. The crowd all around me sang along to every word of Feelings. It became even more clear to me that the entire crowd knew exactly who States and Capitals were long before they hit the stage. So many times, you go to a show and the crowd only knows the headliner. Being the 2nd in a lineup of 4 bands I was impressed by how devoted the fans were to know every line of the songs States and Capitals sang. Towards the end of their set they sang Chocolate by The 1975. I have a deep love of covers when they are done tastefully. Richie hit the mark perfectly with his cover of that song. The crowd sang along to every word, and wildly danced along as if they were at a 1975 concert. He really brought the song to life. I was able to meet up with Richie after the show for a quick interview. I have a strong sense that this band is going to be around for a very long time. It would not surprise me if they were on the radio within a year or two.

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