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Set It Off The Dopamine Tour

Writer's picture: AudiophileoholicAudiophileoholic

Photos and Review by: Shelby Price

Set it Off returned to The Old National Centre on Sunday May 21st for an absolutely killer show. The Dopamine Tour consisted of four bands Rivals, In Her Own Words, Scene Queen and of course Set It Off. With a sold-out show in the Deluxe room, fans were packed shoulder to shoulder for a night of fun.

Rivals took the stage first and really set the tone for the whole night. With a very powerful female lead singer, they brought the energy. I had not heard of Rivals before but count me in as a fan going forward. I had the pleasure of getting to talk to Kalie, lead singer, after their performance and she was very kind and all around just such a joy. She preached nothing but positivity for women all night long and it was so refreshing to hear. With a black blouse and a gorgeous sparkly bra, Kalie owned the stage.

Next up was In Her Own Words who Scene Queen personally described as “Girly Pop”. They were such an energetic group with a good blend of pop and alternative rock. They definitely kept the crowd jumping and even started a couple mosh pits of their own. I do have to say I think their merch people had just as much energy if not more. After the first three songs I headed back towards merch and saw them having only what I can assume was a jump off to who could get the highest. All in all, they were a fun band with an awesome presence.

Coming up was Scene Queen who has made her name very well known in the Set It Off community. Now having two song collaborations with Cody from Set It Off, she has defined her relationship within this fan base. Now when I say Scene Queen is everything, I’m not kidding. A pop punk pink icon is an understatement. With a racing outfit on specifically for Indy, Scene Queen stormed the stage with pink sparkles and adorable hair and put on one heck of a set. Playing a lot of her popular songs, she got the crowd incredibly hyped for what was yet to come. She also took time out of her set to talk about trans rights, basic human rights, and how to contact your local legislators to tell them how you feel. I think it is so important to use your platform for important topics and she used hers perfectly. After playing her iconic Barbie and Ken song with Cody, she said, “Okay now that he’s gone let’s get back to the gay shit.” Playing a couple more songs, she ended her set by running down the barricade and high fiving everyone she could reach.

Now it was time for the dopamine to kick in. With tv’s counting down, the fans began to chant “SET IT OFF” in anticipation. Kicking off the show with their song “Punching Bag”, they got the crowd off their feet and ready for a crazy set list. Performing (I believe) 18 songs, they went late into the night with a solid mix of old and new music from every album. One of the songs that really got the OG fans screaming was when he brought Kalie back out to sing “Partners in Crime”. Not only did Kalie join him on stage, Scene Queen also came out to perform her newest song with Cody “Win Win”. Cody also brought out his saxophone, and switched with Max at one point to play the drums while Max sang “Hypnotized”. The show was an absolute blast and Cody kept mentioning how he can always count on Indy to be one of the loudest cities on their tours. Multiple fans had traveled from states all over to see them again and it was so fun to see their faces light up with joy throughout the whole show. Set It Off has one of the kindest fan bases and truly made sure everyone was safe and having a good time. I love getting to see them and I can’t wait for the next show.


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