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Trinity of Terror Tour Wrap-Up Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds April 8, 2022

Laura Fox - LLFoxphotos

The Trinity of Terror Tour, which features triple headliners Black Veil Brides, Ice Nine Kills, and Motionless in White, plus opener Lilith Czar, rolled through central Indiana Friday night, playing to a crowd of about 5,000 in Indianapolis. Originally slated to be held at the Pavilion at Pan Am, the show sold out so quickly it had to be moved to the larger Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. According to every single band, it was the largest crowd on the tour so far.

Braving cold weather, rain, and even sleet, fans started lining up a couple of hours before doors and moved quickly into the warm venue once doors opened. Lilith Czar (alter ego of Juliet Simms)opened the show with a heavy, hard-hitting set, voicing her message of empowerment for all people. Her performance was one of my favorites that night, and I’m sure she made a lot of other new fans, as well.

Black Veil Brides was up next. It was their first performance back on the tour after having to cancel several dates due to COVID among the band and crew, including frontman Andy Biersack (husband of Juliet Sims). I wondered if the band would be at 100%, but there was nothing to worry about – they were fierce and full of energy. Drummer CC Coma was an absolute beast…I couldn’t keep my eyes off him!

Motionless in White followed Black Veil Brides with a killer performance. I really liked their new look, which has a sort of industrial goth vibe that fits with their latest video for the single, “Cyberhex.” Lead singer Chris Cerulli’s signature circular swirl was still prominent, however, as was the black arm and neck makeup among the band members. I noticed bassist Justin Morrow wasn’t on stage with the band – hopefully he’s in good health!

The final act was Ice Nine Kills. It was my first time seeing them and I was super impressed. Watching these guys, who look like CPAs, head-bang and play their horror-movie-themed metal was kind of surreal. I loved the dramatic moves of frontmanSpencer Charnas, as well as all the on-stage antics. Although I’ve listened to their music before, seeing them live gave their music an entirely new dimension, and I can see why they get such rave reviews.

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